Monday, January 26, 2009

A dull evening

A dull evening is an evening where nothing is happening. There are no events to go to. There are no people to talk to. There is nothing to watch on t.v. (Then again, when IS there something to watch on t.v?) There is nothing to do at the house that you haven't done fifteen times already. There are no movies to watch that you haven't seen a million times already. There is no money for you to go out and rent another movie, and if there was, most of the people in the house want to watch an oldie, an oldie that everyone's seen a million times. There is nothing to talk about because nothing is going on right now, Otherwise it wouldn't be a dull evening. There's nothing to eat that you haven't already had a thousand times. You can't even do school because you're already a month ahead. There's nothing to drink because everything that you could drink only tastes good with certain food, food that you don't have. There aren't even Taxes to file! There's no music to listen to. There's no work to be done. There's no fun to be had. There is nothing to do but sleep, and even that can't be done because the dogs are so loud and playful that you can't close your eyes for two seconds.

1 comment:

Four Little Penguins said...

Is this a dull evening? Or do you need antidepressants?