Monday, February 2, 2009

Set rules for people to follow.

I think having set rules for people to follow will usually be a good thing. However if they limit your thinking and freedom to think and create then I do not think they would be helpful. For example, Here in the U.S. we have the law and the constitution to help govern us. But at the same time we also have the freedom to think in new ways, to have new ideas and be able to create them. Rules are God's creation. Rules that keep you from using your mind and hold you back are not from God. But there are some rules that hold you back from destroying yourself and/or other people. those are the rules and laws that are set in place by God. Such as the rule God gave Adam and Eve that said they could not touch or eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. That rule was in place for their protection. Rules are needed to keep the world turning.

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