Friday, February 27, 2009


So middleschool basketball is now over. I'm now practicing with the highschool for nationals since i'm going to be playing next year. The entire level has changed. Everything is faster paced. But its also lazier, At least when it comes to rebounds. I'd be a high rebounder if only they would stop making it. But i guesss its a good thing. I'm sore all over though. I'm hoping that i'll grow a little this summer and i'll be able to jump higher too.

I wish i had one million cans of varying food. Because then i would not starve.

But i would also be fat. So maybe thats not hte best thing but then again as long as i could control myself it would all work. Perhaps if i set up something like a food account then i would be able to eat what i needed without eating to much. But i wouldn't have someone else control it. Because then i might not be able to get ahold of the food that i needed.

The early bird...

Gets up real early. To me the early bird gets the worm means that the ones that work for it are the ones that are more likely to get it. If you sit around and do nothing then hope to get something you are in for a dissapointment. The more you work at things the better. Even if you don't get what you want you still learn somthing from the process.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Set rules for people to follow.

I think having set rules for people to follow will usually be a good thing. However if they limit your thinking and freedom to think and create then I do not think they would be helpful. For example, Here in the U.S. we have the law and the constitution to help govern us. But at the same time we also have the freedom to think in new ways, to have new ideas and be able to create them. Rules are God's creation. Rules that keep you from using your mind and hold you back are not from God. But there are some rules that hold you back from destroying yourself and/or other people. those are the rules and laws that are set in place by God. Such as the rule God gave Adam and Eve that said they could not touch or eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. That rule was in place for their protection. Rules are needed to keep the world turning.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Meddlesome people

I think the best way to get meddlesome people to back off is to just ask them to. If they don't then ask them again with a little more force. Make it clear in a nice way that your business is your business, not theirs.

Monday, January 26, 2009


It seems I have become slightly addicted to eBay. Its so much fun. and it gets me money. Can it get any better? I'm currently looking around the house for stuff to sell. I'm hoping to sell enough stuff to get another Xbox. The one we had broke. Which stinks 'cause i just bought a game for it. so far I've sold two things with another listed right now. I want to go through the shed and clear a bunch of the stuff out. Then I'm gonna hit the house. maybe I can sell enough of this junk that we can actually have a house that doesn't still have a bunch of unpacked boxes in it. Listing stuff is pretty simple. You put a title in, which basically tells what your selling in a short description. then you put a picture of your item up. Then you can add a more detailed description of the item. Then you put in your shipping info and payment methods and things like that. Then you can decide what you want the bidding to start at and weather or not to put a buy it now price. Then you hit the save and preview button and then hit list.


I would totally freak out if we won first place at state and first and nationals. That would be the highlight of the season. State is a middle school thing. Its the state tournament down in Carlton Texas. We're going with our middle school basketball team. I forget exactly when it is but it should be a lot of fun and I hope we will do some winning. Then we have Nationals. Its a tournament in Springfield Missouri. Its the biggest tournament in the nation and its all home schoolers. Its gonna be a blast. I'll be playing with the high school there since I'll be moving up next year. should be awesome. I don't think I'll get to play much but it'll be worth it.